Web Portal
Le Monde
Crisis Web
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Human Rights
Kosovo: The Long
Road to War, A Chronology 1988-1999
Provides a detailed timeline of developments in Serbia and its province
of Kosovo, related events in Europe, and diplomatic actions to deal with
the evolving crisis that led to NATO's decision to employ armed action
against a sovereign state. The chronology exposes hidden and little-known
facts and events during the 12-year escalation of the regional crisis
and ensuing conflict.
British American Security Information Council,
March 27, 2000
Kosovo and the Challenge
of Humanitarian Intervention: Selective Indignation, Collective Intervention,
and International Citizenship.
The Kosovo conflict has the potential to redraw the landscape of international
politics, with significant ramifications for the UN, major powers and
regional organizations as well as for the way in which we understand and
interpret world politics. Albrecht Schnabel and Ramesh Thakur, eds.
Peace and Governance Programme,
The United Nations University, Summer 2000
Monde Diplomatique
en Serbie
(19 décembre 1996)
poudrière du Kosovo
(17 mars 1998)
Le Monde Diplomatique
in February 1999
Main topic: "Kosovo"
Rambouillet, le sort du Kosovo
(6 février 1999)
Terminer la
guerre en Serbie
(13 avril 1999)
Le Monde Diplomatique
in May 1999
Main topic: "War in the Balkans"
Crisis Web
is who in Kosovo
31 August 1999
This paper offers a brief guide to the leading indigenous political organisations
and personalities in Kosovo/Kosova.
for UNMIK: Local Administration in Kosovo
18 October 1999
More than four months have passed since the start of the deployment of
the United Nations in Kosovo. While first efforts were concentrated on
the creation of a secure environment and the distribution of humanitarian
aid, Civil Administration, the pillar of UNMIK which plays the role of
a government, has been slow in reaching the local level.
in Kosovo: Who is killing whom?
2 November 1999
The agreement signed on 20 September between the Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA) and KFOR commanders transformed the KLA into a 5,000-strong, nominally
multiethnic civilian force - the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC). This move
is unlikely to halt the rising tide of violence and crime in Kosovo, or
to stem the continued exodus of the province's few remaining non-Albanians;
stopping the violence in Kosovo will require much more.
Making Sense of the Labyrinth
26 November 1999
The enterprise known as Trepca1is a sprawling conglomerate of some 40
mines and factories, located mostly in Kosovo but also in other locations
in Serbia and Montenegro. Its activities include chemical processing and
production of goods as varied as batteries and paint. But the heart of
its operations, and the source of most of its raw material, is the vast
mining complex to the east of Mitrovicë/a in the north of Kosovo, famous
since Roman times. This report examines the current position of the mines,
together with the associated smelting complex at nearby Zvecan.
from Scratch in Kosovo: Honeymoon is over
10 December 1999
After an unprecedented, multilateral military intervention in Kosovo succeeded
in expelling Serb forces and enabling the return home of more than a million
displaced persons, the international community embarked on the ambitious,
long-term project of securing, rebuilding, and establishing the rule of
law in Kosovo, while setting the territory on the path to self-governance.
Visionary promises were made to the people of Kosovo......
Kosovo Konflikt
Dossier der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung.
Human Rights
Focus on human rights
The site is provided by the Human Rights Watch. It offers background material
and news about the human rights situation in Kosovo.
Kosovo / Kosova, As Seen, As Told - Part I
This OSCE-Report covers the period October 1998 to 9 June 1999. It is
derived from the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission human rights files compiled
in Kosovo up to the mission's withdrawal on 20 March 1999, and nearly
2,800 victim and direct witness state
OSCE-Report: Kosovo / Kosova, As Seen, As Told - Part II
This OSCE-Report documents the period of 14 June to 31 October 1999, when
more than 800,000 Kosovo Albanian refugees returned to a war-torn Kosovo
under KFOR protection and UN
- Focus on Human Rights
Latest Human Rights Watch Information on Kosovo
Balkans Human Rights Web Pages
Announcements, Reports and Articles issued by Human Rights Organizations
concerning the Balkan Countries. You can search the contents of our pages
by Countries or by Organizations.
Junge Welt: Der
Kosovo heute (10.02.2000)
"Vergiss es!"
The Economic Consequences of the Kosovo Crisis
An Updated Assessment
of Military Activities During the Yugoslavia Conflict
Preliminary Findings, June 1999* Prepared by: The Regional Environmental
Center for Central and Eastern Europe http://www.rec.org/REC/Announcements/yugo/contents.html