Security Council Documents
The site offers documents about decisions adopted by the Permanent Council
of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe as well as
G-8 statements on regional issues and different kinds of agreements.
Selected Documents
of the United Nations Security Council concerning Kosovo (Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia) http://www.un.org/peace/kosovo/sc_kosovo.htm UN
Security Council
Chronological List
UN Resolution 855 (1993)
Resolution calling upon the Yugoslave officials to reconsider their refusal
to allow the continuation of the activities of the CSCE missions in Kosovo,
Sandjak and Vojvodina, adopted 9 August 1993.
UN Resolution 1160
Resolution acknowledging Contact Group and OSCE efforts, calling upon
the authorities in Belgrade and the leadership of the Kosovar Albanian
community to enter into a meaningful dialogue and imposing an arms embargo,
adopted 31 March 1998.
UN Resolution
1199 (1998)
Resolution on the situation in Kosovo (FRY) adopted by the UN Security
Council on 23 September 1998.
UN Resolution
1203 (1998)
Resolution on agreements for the verification of compliance with the provisions
of resolution 1199 (1998) on the situation in Kosovo adopted by the UN
Security Council on 24 October 1998. http://www.un.org/Docs/scres/1998/sres1203.htm
UN Resolution 1207
Resolution condemning FRY's failure to date to cooperate with the UN Tribunal
in The Hague adopted by the UN Security Council on 17 of November 1998.
The Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo of February
1999. Provided by the US Department of State.
UN Resolution
1239 (1999)
Resolution on relief assistance to Kosovo refugees and internally displaced
persons in Kosovo, the Republic of Montenegro and other parts of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia adopted by the UN Security Council on 14 May 1999.
Pact for South Eastern Europe
(Cologne, 10 June 1999)
G8 Proposals
for Kosovo
Proposals of the G 8 Presidency in the light of the discussions on civilian
implementation in Kosovo, Gürzenich/Cologne, 10 June 1999.
UN Resolution
1244 (1999)
Resolution on the deployment of international civil and security presences
in Kosovo adopted by the UN Security Council on 10 June
of Kofi Annan,
Secretary-General of the United Nations, concerning Kosovo transmitted
to Slobodan Milosevic, President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
and to Javier Solana, Secretary-General of NATO (9 April 1999)
of Kosovo Peace Plan
Approved by Serb Parliament 1400 GMT, 990603 (This copy of the Kosovo
peace plan approved by the Serb parliament on June 3 was obtained by The
Associated Press from parliamentary sources. The text was in Serbian and
translated by AP.)
Military Technical
between the International Security Force ("KFOR") and the Governments
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia (9 June
Agreed Points on
Russian Participation in KFOR
(18 June 1999)
Undertaking of
demilitarisation and transformation by the UCK
(20 June 1999)