Other Sources
Site: Background of the Kosovo Conflict
to Internet sources on conflict and ethnicity in Kosovo Maintained
by INCORE, the Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity. The site
provides links to prime and news sources, as well as e-mail lists and
Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien
(BIOST): Materialien zum
Target Kosovo
This site contains information about military resources and general reports
on Kosovo by the Federation of American Scientists.
Die EU auf dem Balkan
Der Kosovo-Konflikt
The site, maintained by one of the leading Swiss newspapers "Neue Zürcher
Zeitung", provides articels, maps, and some links.
New Politics: Kosovo/a
Focus on Kosovo
Articles and background information provided by CNN.
- History of a Balkan Hotspot
Information pages of the CIA
Kosovo - The Story behind
the Story (by didyouknow.com)
to Printed Media on Kosovo
By the Illinois Institute of Technology. http://pbosnia.kentlaw.edu/services/albania/media/print.htm
Albanian WWW Homepage
This site provides general information about Albania and Kosova, including
history, culture and the latest news.
Kosovo: From Crisis
to a Permanent Solution
Prepared by European Action Council for Peace in the Balkans and Public
International Law & Policy Group of the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace (1 November 1997)
The Balkan Action Council
The Balkan Action Council was formed in June 1998 to educate the public
on the nature of the crises in the Balkans and their political, military
and humanitarian consequences. Through public education and discourse,
it promotes a greater understanding and awareness of ongoing threats to
peace in the Balkans.
Kosovo - Kosova
Crisis Pages from March 1999
at the "IGC Balkan Pages"
Eurasianews: Kosova
The site provides Special EurasiaNews Report on Bosnia and Kosova, human
rights reports, and articles and documents on Kosova. Maintained by the
Eurasia Research Center.
An independent press service providing latest press releases about the
crisis in Kosovo. The short press releases are from different News Agencies
and News Papers. (German only)
Kosova Crisis Center (KCC)
The KCC informs about oppression against everything Albanian in Kosovo.
KCC provides daily updates about current events in Kosovo.
Kosovo Information provided
by the Serbian Orthodox Church
Kosovo, the Roots
of Conflict
by Dr. Azzam Tamimi
A State of Cisis
Belgrade Academic Association for Equal
Rights in the World
Nato Aggression on Yugoslavia;
Kosovo: History of Serbian Soul
Links: Nato Losses
Kosovo Chronicles
by Dusan Batakovic
He works in Historical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
as Research Fellow. This book is the collection of his articles on major
topics of history of Kosovo and Metohia and its recent political consequences.
by William Dorich
Free Serbia
Who are we? We are a group of people from Serbia who have been struggling
in the past decade for democracy and a better political future. Our goal
is to present the current events in Yugoslavia from our own point of view.
Refugee Search
Refugee Search was organized to apply today's high technology to the age-old
problem of refugees and displaced persons. We are in the process of compiling
an archive of digital photographs of the refugee families -- creating
a searchable database accessible via the Internet.