• Introduction
  • News
  • Ljubljana
  • Future of Europe
  • Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine & EU
  • Russia & EU
  • Islamic Countries
  • Bulgaria, Romania & EU
  • Turkey & EU
  • Western Balkans & EU
  • EFTA & EU
  • Team
  • Partners
  • IPWG

    Coordination Team

    Olivier Genkin

    Olivier has graduated MBA at ESSC in Paris. His motto is "Do first the necessary, then the possible, and you will manage the impossible!" AEGEE addicted for 5 years, almost 100 AEGEE events (Agora Skopje will be no. 100) and currently member of AEGEE Sibiu.
      Lukasz Malys
    Lukasz is 2nd year student in International Relations and currently AEGEE-Poznan board member. Moreover he was founder of local IPWG group in Poznan after having particpated in several project-teams in the past.

    Susanne Strunck

    Public Relations
    Susanne studies languages and history at the university of Mainz, is besides board member of AEGEE Mainz/Wiesbaden and joined the IPWG recently. After making a lot of experiences in PR-work on local level and attending PRES 7 in Napoli, She feels ready to go for a succesful EU and Europe, and you might find this creative girl on the dancefloor!
    Pamela Steinmetz

    Pamela (22) studies sociology and economics at the University of Mainz and is interested in the developement of Europe, esp concerning integration and migration matters. Besides this I love travelling, dancing, arts, cinema, photography,... creating flyers ( a new hobby)....

    Public Relations
    Elia Varela

    Content Coordination
    Elia finished her BA in Communication in Barcelona and completed an one-year program for foreigners at the film school in Prague as well. After working for a year in Prague as a Spanish teacher, she's now studying a MA in Democracy and Human Rights organized jointly by the university of Bologna and university of Sarajevo. 
    Berta Mrak
    Berta graduated in French and Literature and is currently writing her thesis for Political Geography. She soon became fascinated of international excanges in the frame of International association of geographers - EGEA: participated to several exchanges, congresses all over Europe and was a chief editor of the student magazine GEOmix for 3 years. She is actually vice-president of AEGEE-Ljubljana, where she coorganised the open conference "Europe's (Torn?) Identity", of the IPWG project EU&Europe. Coming from a wine region, she loves good wine and proschiutto.

    Content Coordination
    Ioana Muresan

    Local Activities Coordinator
    Ioana graduated from International Relations&European Studies and International Economic Relations in Bucharest. Currently doing MA in European Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges. She is active in IPWG since May 2002, FR responsible since the Agora in Zaragoza, previous involvement PIE project in Hamburg, Diplomatic Seminar 1, ETI conference in Ljubljana, workshops in the Agoras Athina, Bucuresti, Zaragoza, PM Enschede and became interrailfreak by all those travellings. Furthermore she's a film addict(especially European ones) and great fan of the '20s-'30s.
    Lukasz Rozycki
    Lucasz studies International Relations at the University of Wroclaw, and is involved within the magazin "International relations". He founded a local IPWG within AEGEE Wroclaw. Furthermore he has his focus on the European intergration and structures connected with UE and the Middle East, especially the Palestinian conflict.

    Survey Coordinator
    Theijs van Welij

    IT / Webpage Coordinator
    Theijs will study in 2004 as Erasmusstudent at Charles University in Prague, followed by research for his Masterthesis in Law, Public Administration & Management at the University of Utrecht. He discovered AEGEE after a lot of border-to-border traintravels. He joined the IPWG since the Diplomatic Seminar in Bucharest, and will be main organiser of the conference scheduled in Minsk, and together with Elia for the conference in Sarajevo. Furthermore Theijs'diplomatic network will be used for approaching speakers. .
    Patrik Reuter
    After having worked on the local level as Vice-President and Fundraising Responsible, Patrick got active on European level at the Agora in Zaragoza where he joined the IPWG-Board as Secretary. Moreover, since January 2004 he's the Youth Programme Cordinator of AEGEE Europe and combines this with his Erasmusyear in Brussels.

    Fundraising Coordinator

    © 2004 AEGEE-IPWG / All rights reserved