Some samples for different Education Action Weeks

This is just to give you idea, how your EAW could be desinged. A lot depends from local factors (amount of possible partners, size and number of universities, enthusiasm of the members of your antenna, etc). Here are 3 possible samples, also provided with aims selected from the general aims of Education Action Week.

The activities suggested are in more detail described in the „Ideas for activities” section.

For background information for the activties look at the download-section and links.

I – 5 days
II – 3 days
III – 1 day

I - 5 days


  • Provide information about Bologna Process (the parts that affect students, that cause changes, where to find more information).
  • Raise awareness about existing NGOs dealing with non-formal education and the importance of non-formal education, the possibilities to combine it with formal education.
  • Show and promote interactive study methods.
  • Form a platform of communication between active students (student NGOs) and university stakeholders that would be basis for ongoing cooperation.

1st day - introduction

  • Opening education information desk at university campus for the whole week – handing out leaflets, providing information about the subject, collecting questions asked by students, etc.
  • Session about Bologna Process’ implementation and influences in your university/country.
  • Opening photo competition “Different ways of education”.
  • Discussion club in the evening – generally about different sides of education.

2nd day - mobility

  • Information fair about mobility programmes (e.g. Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Leonardo, Socrates etc.) – students and experts giving information and sharing experience.
  • Discussion club in the evening – studying abroad and pedagogical barriers.

3rd day – different study methods

  • Workshops about different teaching methods and didactic aspects.
  • Closure of photo competition, judging the photos.
  • Discussion club in the evening – making your education fun and interesting.

4th day – non-formal education

  • Presentation session ”What is non-formal education?”.
  • NGO fair – different student NGOs introducing their activities, presentations from alumni members, who have achieved much thanks to them.
  • Discussion club in the evening – how to combine formal and non-formal education.

5th day - conclusions

  • Open Space discussion „Making the education in our university the best” – between students, teaching staff and university stakeholders.
  • Conclusion-session – feedback from education information desk, results of the discussion clubs, showing photos of the week, announcing the winners of photo competition.
  • Closure party with a student band.

II – 3 days


  • Provide information about Bologna Process (the parts that affect students, that cause changes, where to find more information).
  • Provide information about concept of life-long learning (what it means, and what programmes for this exist – in EU and in the respective countries).
  • Show and promote interactive study methods.
  • Form a platform of communication between active students (student NGOs) and university stakeholders that would be basis for on-going cooperation.

1st day – background information

  • Opening session: “Lifelong learning and Bologna Process – from EU to local level” – presenting the concepts, background, schemes, future strategies, etc.

2nd day – involving students

  • Education Festival in university main hall or library – interactive games, workshops, short films and exhibitions presenting different aspects and ways of learning (NB! Maybe you can find some content here from AEGEE-TV ;))
  • Big student quiz – different teams competing and testing their knowledge about Bologna Process, non-formal education, etc.

3rd day – future plans

  • Open Space discussion “Possibilities of education” – students, teaching staff, different NGO representatives.
  • Announcing the winners of quiz, student party on campus.

III – 1 day


  • Provide information about Bologna Process (the parts that affect students, that cause changes, where to find more information).
  • Provide information about concept of life-long learning (what it means, and what programmes for this exist – in EU and in the respective countries).
  • Show and promote interactive study methods.

“Explore your education” day

  • Information desk at the university campus about different mobility programmes, Bologna Process, etc.
  • Workshops for background information: different aspects of education, comparing formal and non-formal education.
  • NGO fair – student organisations introducing their activities as ways of non-formal education, presenting different ways to learn.