
European Students Forum (AEGEE) welcomes already made progress and continuing determination of the European governments on the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), bringing European societies, in their diversity and common values, closely together in an endeavor to create both attractive, competitive and efficient and democratic, open and inclusive higher education system in Europe… more
“European Students Forum Statement on the London Communiqué” - Press release issued by AEGEE Europe (18.05.2007)

European University Association has estimated that by now more than 80% of universities are implementing some reforms with regards to the Bologna Process (BP). How it is going, that’s the key question. How successful is it? How many mistakes has been made? What is the “know how” and what are the best practices? … more
“Students and experts reflect the Bologna Process” - Press release issued by AEGEE Europe (18.05.2007)

Young Europeans demand recognition of non-formal education as complementary to formal education in their declaration for the future of EU. Jeremy Rifkin, well known American author and economist, supports them saying “this is a revolutionary part of your document! Brining together formal and non-formal education” …. more
“EUropean Education Unlimited!” - Press release issued by AEGEE Europe (30.03.2007)

Between 25th – 28th January 2007, students from all over Europe, representatives from many relevant international Youth NGOs gathered in Stuttgart for the opening conference of the project “Education Unlimited!” ….. more
“Bologna Process: Chance or Obstacle” - Press release issued by AEGEE Europe (01.02.2007)