Welcome to the Education unlimited! website!
“Every person - child, youth and adult - shall be able to benefit from educational opportunities designed to meet their basic learning needs. These needs comprise both essential learning tools (such as literacy, oral expression, numeracy, and problem solving) and the basic learning content (such as knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes) required by human beings to be able to survive, to develop their full capacities, to live and work in dignity, to participate fully in development, to improve the quality of their lives, to make informed decisions, and to continue learning.”
World Declaration on Education for All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs (World Conference on Education 1990)
„Education Unlimited!” project aims to contribute to improvement of European higher education by strengthening involvement of young people in educational policies at the grass-root level and bridging formal and non-formal education in a more sustainable way. We think that for young people getting good education should be a priority, as it widely defines their chances in adult life.
“Education Unlimited!” team encourages you, young European people, to take action, to find out which are the opportunities of mobility given by your university, to find, out what you can change in your faculty, to think about ways of improving your non-formal education and last but not least, to organise small events in your cities so that we can all together MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
The project is being developed by AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe ~ European Students’ Forum) - the biggest European Interdisciplinary Student Organization that promotes communication, mobility and the integration of all students from all of Europe, with the purpose of creating a more tolerant and a more open society.