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 | movie of AEGEE20 shown at the Agora Izmir |
Posted by henny on Monday, June 12 @ 10:54:38 CEST (6 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0)
 | Great Gala Ball in Praha |
From September 22nd until September 25th the Gala Ball took place in Praha. About 300 participants from all over Europe were present. The results of the plenaries and workshops were magnificent.
Thanks go to the organizers of AEGEE-Praha; the Comité Directeur and the AEGEE20 and everyone else who contributed in this great event.
Pictures of the event can be found on the photo page
Although this was the main event of the project, we still have the celebrations of the 20th birthday of AEGEE-Leiden!
Posted by henny on Tuesday, October 11 @ 19:35:46 CEST (420 reads)
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 | 2nd version of participants list |
Due to last minute cancellations, the list of participants has changed. The new version of the list is still to be found under downloads.
It still is a pdf file and it is the last on the page you see. Keep looking on this page for new updates on the list!
Posted by henny on Friday, September 16 @ 07:11:46 CEST (306 reads)
(comments? | Score: 1)
 | participants list (2) |
Posted by henny on Tuesday, September 13 @ 18:27:51 CEST (299 reads)
(comments? | Score: 1)
 | Events: AEGEE 20 congress in Praha - applications open! |
AEGEE20 - the Happening
Praha, 22-25 September 2005
organised by AEGEE-Praha & AEGEE-Europe
Gala Event for the 20th anniversary of AEGEE-Europe
Applications closed!
On 22-25 September, 300 young activists from across the continent will gather in Praha, determined to shape the future of Europe through AEGEE. And YOU can be among them! Join famous AEGEE "oldies", speakers from the European and Czech institutions, patrons of AEGEE-Europe and representatives of other leading European organisations in discussing the future of European Integration, and AEGEE's role in promoting it.
Project Description
Posted by Rob on Friday, June 17 @ 09:16:16 CEST (1234 reads)
(Read More... | 1926 bytes more | Events | Score: 4.2)
 | Project: Celebrating 20 years of AEGEE |
AEGEE-Europe invites you to stop at this milestone in the history of our organization and to celebrate what has been achieved during the last 20 years.
Over 20 years AEGEE has changed the face of Europe, put a human face on European integration, and made the European idea real for hundreds of thousands of young Europeans. On our 20th anniversary we want to celebrate all that we have achieved as an association, and look ahead to what the future has in store.
This website is a portal presenting all the activities planned to celebrate 20 years of AEGEE. You can also learn about AEGEE's history and some of the characters who have shaped this unique association, see the efforts of the current AEGEE generation, and read about some of the great careers of AEGEE alumni.
But there is more to do. You can be more than just a guest; be a part of this very special occasion: send us your thoughts of what AEGEE meant or still means to you, write a song for AEGEE, send in your photos, your memories, your hopes or your best wishes for AEGEE's future.
Posted by Rob on Thursday, June 16 @ 04:25:22 CEST (380 reads)
(Read More... | Project | Score: 5)
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AEGEE 20 |  |
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