Programme for the main AEGEE20 congress in Praha
Project description - click here for details
THURSDAY 22nd September
13.00: Optional City tour for those who already arrived (Sightseeing part 1)
16.00: Registration
20.00: Grand Opening Ceremony with official AEGEE 20 movie - Czech Senate
Words of Welcome:
Burcu Becermen, President of AEGEE-Europe (confirmed)
Sarka Svobodova, President of AEGEE-Praha (confirmed)
Panos Stamoulis, AEGEE20 Project Manager (confirmed)
Franck Biancheri, AEGEE-Europe Founder and Honorary Member, Director Europe 2020, President Newropeans (confirmed)
H.E. Dr. Václav Havel, President Emeritus of the Czech Republic, Patron of AEGEE-Europe (greeting words)
Bronislaw Geremek, MEP, Patron of AEGEE-Europe (greeting words)
Jan Figel, EU Commissioner for Education and Culture (invited)
H.E. Radmila Šekerinska, Deputy Prime Minister of R. Of Macedonia, Patron of AEGEE-Europe (invited)
21.00: Reception
FRIDAY 23rd September
09.30: Panel Discussion: AEGEE - past, present and future and its vision of Europe
Franck Biancheri, Les Anciens AEGEE-Europe (confirmed)
Frank Burgdoerfer, Citizens of Europe (confirmed)
Michael Merker, Les Anciens AEGEE-Europe (confirmed)
Michiel van Hees, Les Anciens AEGEE-Europe (confirmed)
Olivier Genkin, AEGEE-Mainz/Wiesbaden (confirmed)
11.00: Break
11.30: Workshops:
Future of Erasmus/Socrates & Bologna process
Student Mobility; Student/youth visa
Migration to and in Europe
No national level in AEGEE - a vision for the EU?
Is AEGEE a political organization?
13.00: Lunch
14.30: Workshops:
Minorities, xenophobia and human rights - managing ethnic diversity
SEE, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Wider Europe Neighborhood
Transatlantic relations and the EU as political actor
Muslim culture in Europe
16.00: Break
16.30-18.00: Panel discussion: European Constitution
Christian Lequesne – director of CEFRES – French centre for social sciences studies (confirmed)
Jana Hybaskova - MEP (confirmed)
Edvard Outrata-Senator, President European Movement Czech Republic (confirmed)
YES for EUROPE. - M. Pajerova (invited)
JEF-Europe YES CAMPAIGN - Marco Bucik (confirmed)
SATURDAY 24th September
10.00: Sightseeing in Prague, Prague Castle
14:30-15:30: Projects Fair (including break)
15:30: presentations
16.00: Panel discussion: Future of Europe, followed by Press Conference
Karel Schwarzenberg, Czech Senator (invited)
Radek Spicar, Deputy Vice Prime Minister for Economic Affairs (confirmed)
Liberal Institute (invited)
Jaroslav Jaks, professor at University of Economics, Prague (invited)
Franck Biancheri, Director Europe 2020 / President Newropeans (confirmed)
Open Society Institute (invited)
19.00: Dinner
21.00: Saturday Night Fever
SUNDAY 25th September
09.30: Panel discussion: NGOs and Youth Organisations - part 1
Ralf Weingartner, Director for Youth and Sports Council of Europe (confirmed)
Renaldas Vaisbrodas President of European Youth Forum (confirmed)
Eric Krier, Luxembourg Ministry of Youth (confirmed)
Josef Bocek, Czech National Youth Agency (invited)
11:00-11:30: coffee break
11.30: Panel discussion: NGOs and Youth organisations - part 2
Chair: David Stulik-Civil Society Development Foundation/European Economic and Social Committee (confirmed)
13.00: Departure
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