If you want to know more about youth employment situation, you can check the following sources:
Eurofound is the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Based in Dublin, it produces a huge amount of research on employment, living conditions, quality of life etc. They have been working quite closely with the Youth Forum recently and have produced very interesting research on NEETs and the access of young people to disability services (which is quite closely linked to youth employment and social inclusion).
Eurofound website: http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/index.htm
Special Eurofound publication on NEETs: http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/publications/htmlfiles/ef1172.htm
Eurobarometer is the Public Opinion Analysis sector of the European Commission. The produce large scale public opinion analyses of wide ranging topics. For example they recently produced a report on attitudes among entrepreneurs towards eco-innovation: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm
Eurostat is the Statistics Office of the European Commission and is a labyrinth of statistical information on the 27 Member States. Here is a link directly to the employment data which is collected in “quarters” i.e. four times per year: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Unemployment_statistics
SALTO Inclusion newsletter | April 2012
Working on Work
Publication “Focus on youth employment – European good practice projects”
The European Commission presented its new publication: the good practice projects brochure with focus on Youth Employment. The publication shows how Youth in Action and the non-formal learning sector can help to counter youth unemployment.
If you would like to see what happens in the youth work field all over Europe and how different organisations and projects tackle this topic then:
- Download the pdf document or get your paper copy from the Publication Office bookshop.
“Working on Work” in English/Spanish
The SALTO Inclusion booklet “Working on Work” is now also available in Spanish under the title “Trabajar por un trabajo”.
The booklet is about using youth projects to lead unemployed young people towards work!
Youthpass and Employability
“Youthpass and Human Resource Development. The missing link towards employability“, an essay by Juan Ratto-Nielsen compares the Youthpass process and the Human Resource Development training and learning cycle, and discusses them as similar learning and developmental processes.
- Available for download from the Youthpass website: click here for the pdf format!
Forbes report: “Unlocking Global Potential -Global Diversity Rankings by Country, Sector and Occupation”
This report provides a statistical look at worldwide workforce diversity data, a unique and first-of-its-kind ranking of employee diversity across 50 global economies, 14 industrial sectors and nine occupational categories.
As a comprehensive atlas of corporate diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts, the goal of this report is to learn from the varied and unique situations faced by countries and corporations around the globe:
- Which approaches work best?
- How can companies continue to increase diversity and effectively translate this into business opportunities and higher productivity?
- This study also seeks to provide a benchmark, revealing how much progress has been made and where renewed effort is necessary.
Read all about it and download the pdf of the study, here!
[Source: SALTO Inclusion RC ]
Youth Employment in Europe: A Call for Change
In this publication by the European Youth Forum you will read about Youth UnEmployment project (on page 43-44) and other European initiatives in the framework of the Youth Employment Action Consortium