Project details

about YOUrope needs YOU!

about YOUrope needs YOU! project dedicated to empower High School students. The chance to be active citizens, to gain satisfaction after projects well-done, beauty of being volunteer and contribute to the society - we all have experienced it. Now we want to share it with High School students, by means of interactive workshops. We want to increase their knowledge about Europe, European values, European matters, then motivate them to take action to do something for their schools, their societies and keep them informed about all possibilities which Europe can offer them.
We have become empowered during 1st cycle of YNY!. Now we want to share our idealism, inspiration with the others. Moreover, our trainers showed us how by means of non-formal education we can develop ourselves, our ideas and create the project of which we would never have thought before. It is the reason why our whole project is based on non-formal education. We wish High School students to become as empowered and as confident in their abilities as we are.
We called ourselves Dream Team, a team which has a common dream, but at the same time people who are able to dedicate themselves to make their dreams come true...

what happend during 1st cycle?

5 training courses:
  • 9-13 October 2008 - Leiden
  • 21-26 October 2008 - Passau
  • 20- 25 February 2009 - Krakow
  • 9-14 March 2009 - Oviedo
  • 25-30 March 2009 - Canakkale

+ Evaluation Meeting in Krakow, 18.-21.9.2009

action months (may/june 2009)
13 workshops at high schools in 9
different countries:
  • Oviedo
  • Bratislava
  • Poznan
  • Warszawa
  • Beograd
  • Krakow
  • Istanbul
  • Skopje
  • Mainz-Weisbaden
  • Kyiv
  • Utrecht
  • Holten
  • Lublin

we won European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2009

Yuppie good news: YOUrope needs YOU! was in 2009 winner of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize Competition. The competition rewards projects that promote a shared sense of European identity and understanding among young people. After winning the first round in Poland, all 27 national winners gathered in Aachen on May 19, 2009 - and YOUrope needs YOU! won the award. Project manager of the 1st cycle - Agnieszka Strycharz and the whole project team were more than happy about winning and are spreading enthousiasm and motivation all around! If you want to be a part of this great adventure: join YOUrope needs YOU! now and make our project even more successfull

we made Result Booklet of YNY! during its 1st cycle