Kosovo - Understanding the Past, Looking Ahead


Biljana Vucetic

Look into the Past:
Serbia and the Albanian Question

This paper will focus on the historical presentation of the role of the Great Powers in relationships between Serbs and Albanians. It is also trying to answer what was really the Albanian Question, especially for Serbia at the end of XIX and the beginning of the XX century.

At the Congress of Berlin, Balkan states (Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria) were internationally recognized as independent states. Austria-Hungary got the right to occupy Turkish provinces (of) Bosnia and Herzegovina and the right to hold military garrisons in Kosovo Vilayet, in the Western part of Sandzak (of Novi Pazar). Military circles from Austria-Hungary planned to spread towards Thesaloniki and Aegean, so that they had to assure their influence and support among Albanians. Foundation of Albanian national state under the Austria-Hungary protectorate would be a great obstacle in Serbia and Montenegro's efforts to liberate remained fellow countrymen in Kosovo, Metohija, Macedonia under the Turkish rule.

This paper analyses different approaches for the solution of the Albanian Question, which derive from the different social, political, cultural and economic concepts.

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