War on Kosovo:
A Victory of the Media?
The mediašs role in encapsulating "reality˛ at the end of the 20th century, of necessity, includes an essential role in the promulgation of ethnic conflict and war, although by itself it does not create sufficient pre-conditions for war to occur.
The mediašs key role in self-justification of conflict, lies in defining it as "necessary", "unavoidable", "normal", "predetermined", even "justified" and "moral", thus creating a broad consensus through a wide range of "pro-war" arguments.
Without this mobilization of propaganda through the media, ethnic conflict and/or war simply would not make sense for most of the social actors, who are almost always also the main losers. There would be no driving force, no logic, no inevitability without this media promotion of war, which exhorts a collective readiness to victimize (others) and to sacrifice (themselves).
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