Project description
- Prevention of future problems that may occur out of the growing presence of Muslims in Western society
- Promotion of the values of mutual respect and understanding between the parties through intercultural and inter-religious learning among young people
- Providing knowledge of the theory of EuroIslam
- Supporting and encouraging intercultural dialogue between Christians, conservative Muslims and modern Muslims, Politicians and European Students
- Collaboration between Youth NGOs in Europe and Religious Youth Organisations
Preparatory activities
- Building a team to coordinate the project setting a strategy for the timeframe
- Contacting locals promoting the project within AEGEE network
- Cultural Nights, to encourage intercultural dialogue Lectures and debates, to provide knowledge about Islam
- Action Week, collaboration with other Youth NGOs for an intensive training
- Cultural, to encourage cultural dialogue and fight xenophobia
- Thematic, knowledge transfer and discussion Essay Contest Movie Seminar
Target group
Expected Results
- Better understanding of each others religion and traditions
- Active collaboration of European NGOs with Muslim NGOs in overlapping fields
- Better and more neutral knowledge of Islam within European Students
Follow Up
- Online documentary of project Short Movies
| May 2007: Workshop , AGORA Valetta, Malta.
| October 2007: Euro Islam Conference, AEGEE-Istanbul (more info soon)
| Winter 2007: Conference on Islamophobia , AEGEE-Baku, Azerbaijan