Extract from AEGEE's One Europe Magazine 1/1993

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A Postcard from Croatia
by Tamara Krstelj and Zoran Mrklic, Zagreb

What is Croatia today? Croatia is a huge refugee camp. Our towns are hostages of Serbian bandits, our schools, churches,
universities are targets of their canons. We are not allowed to stop them, and the world don't want to do so! In the
beginning we thought that the world didn't know whats going on here. Now we know, that those who could do something didn't
want to do it.
Thanks to all wonderful people all over the world who did everything for us, thanks for humanitarian help, thanks for moral
support, but they only made easier the consequences. What we need is to remove the cause!
After all, alltrough many wanted to devide us, we are still as one, and we are holding on. And we will do so as long as we
can. And what is most important we didn't lose our spirit and our hope! But we are not wizards and we need all the help we
can get! We don't need charity, we also have much to offer and one day we'll be able to pay our debts, and to find the ways
to thank all our friends. But if something isn't done quite soon, the price will be extremely high.
Largest and most difficult to cure, will be scarfes on souls of our people. People with burnt houses, with lost lives of
their families and loved ones. Raped women, people handicaped for life time. Only a strong people could remain together as
one, free in their spirits and full of hope for a better future. Because of that I know we will survive!
Of course you wonder where is a place of Croatian students in all that. Many Croatian students gave their lifes for
Croatian freedom and independence, and we will never forget that. Of course here for most people ist't easy to live and is
even harder to study. It is hard to get money even for food, not to speak about books. In many towns students study under
granates, they have exams under general alert but still our university manages to keep the high quality of education, and
high quality of student knowledge, what our students prove all over the world. Except we live in a country under agression,
we are still the same like all young people all over the world, we have same wishes, same dreams, same needs and same
ordinary problems. We hope that students from all world will soon come to Croatian cities to meet and have fun together,
like we are lucky to do in many european and other towns.
See you soon in Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, Osisek, Dubrovnik...


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