The Future of Europa @ Athina: Event Description 14 - 16 May 2004
Have you ever wondered what does the European Union mean to you? Have you everwondered where we are heading to? The European Union has recently embraced 10new Member States. What does this mean for us, citizens of Europe, and whichare the expectations and the potential problems deriving from this change?
In a Union of about 450 million citizens the need for systematic integrationhas become imperative. Could the adoption of a common European Constitutionsatisfy this need? If this is so, then why has there been such a lack ofconsensus till now? What more needs to be done?
In the framework of this year plan project “European Identity-EU and EUROPE”AEGEE-Athina, in cooperation with AEGEE Europe’s IPWG and JEF invites you tojoin its conference titled the “Future of Europe” and help you shed more lighton two of the hottest issues concerning the European Union and Europe nowadays:
1. The European Constitution [update, perspectives: do we really need aEuropean constitution and under which terms?]
2. EU and Enlargement :[ EU of 25 member states: what does thispractically mean? What’s the next step in the enlargement process ? – Balkansin the EU]
Aims of the Conference
-Inform and make participants realize the real impact and importance of the EUenlargement process so far and examine its perspectives for the future, withspecial orientation to South Eastern European countries.
-Inform in-depth participants about all the main issues and evolutionsconcerning the process of creating a common European Constitution
-Productive opinions’ and views’ exchange through interactive discussion
The conference consists of a full three-day program, including lectures andintensive workshops. Hand –out material provided. Night parties : Not to bemissed!!
Eventual participants are required to write also a short MOTIVATION LETTER,including a short self-presentation and explaining the reasons why they wouldwant to participate in this conference.
[You can send it at the event’s emailaddress: ]