Call for Mission Coordinators – Mission to France
You can now apply as Mission Coordinator for our Mission to the presidential elections in France, 19-25 April, 2017. Application deadline: 17 February, 2017. We look forward to your application!
Strengthening youth participation in electoral processes
You can now apply as Mission Coordinator for our Mission to the presidential elections in France, 19-25 April, 2017. Application deadline: 17 February, 2017. We look forward to your application!
You can now apply as Mission Coordinator for our Mission to the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, 10-17 March, 2017. Application deadline: 31 December, 2016. We look forward to your application!
Invitation to the AEGEE network: You can now organise your Summer University 2017 in cooperation with AEGEE Election Observation. See here how it works and apply until 23 December!
AEGEE Election Observation provides a youth perspective on elections in Europe. We do this by…
Between 6th and 12th December, AEGEE Election Observation deployed 21 observers from 16 countries to…