Agora Election Observation is a non government non profit organisation dedicating itself to fostering a democratic, participatory, diverse, equal and transnational Europe committed to human rights. In particular, the organisation aims to train young people as international election observers and report on youth participation in elections in Europe.
Agora Election Observation is run by a team of professional election experts thatorganises Election Observation Missions focusing on youth participation in elections and providing a youth perspective on electoral processes by training and deploying young observers across Europe. To this end, standard activities of the organisation include Election Observation Missions, independent training courses, research and development of new election observation methodologies for the 21th century.
Young people are underrepresented in elections across Europe and Agora Election Observation aims to understand why this is so in order to empower young people to participate in electoral processes.
Agora Election Observation is the independent successor of the AEGEE Election Observation which has organized Election Observation Missions since 2014.
Our work has been mentioned by UNDP/European Commission in their handbook (2017) ‘Youth Participation in Electoral Processes’.