‘Beyond Europe – Perspectives for Tomorrow’s World’ is the flagship project of AEGEE-Europe for the years 2010/2011
The project is going to be a huge and ambitious effort in light of the global challenges all of us are facing in an ever-changing world.
We believe that the challenges of today’s world, more than ever before in the history of mankind, are of a global nature. We also believe that the only sustainable solutions to these challenges must be part of a collective effort. As young people will be the most affected in the world of tomorrow, they bear a special responsibility today.
‘Beyond Europe – Perspectives for Tomorrow’s World’ aims at empowering young people in and outside Europe to tackle global challenges.
We believe that we will achieve our aim if we put the following four Objectives into practice:
1. Awareness
Create an educational dialogue with young people in and outside Europe on global challenges and actions undertaken to tackle them
2. Participation
Encourage youth involvement in the collective effort to tackle global challenges
3. Multiplication
Inspire young people to become successful multipliers in their societies using the knowledge, experience and skills acquired during the course of the project
4. Cultural diversity
Create a culturally diverse work environment and increase intercultural dialogue with youth organisations in the world
The Flagship Project will consist of four sub-projects:
1. ‘The UN Millennium Development Goals – A Challenge for Today’s Youth?’ will constitute a part of the flagship that literally takes us beyond. The initiative aims to empower young people to contribute to the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The project mobilises youth in Europe, India and South Africa, and lays the basis for a sustainable partnership between young citizens in these three regions.
2. ‘Euro-Arab – Understanding each others’ challenges’ is an initiative that focuses on the exchange of perspectives between students of these two regions, geographically neighbours, yet sometimes seemingly worlds apart.
3. The Euro-US student forum shall bring together European and US students in order to develop an understanding of common global challenges and to seek viable solutions to those challenges.
4. One World Conventions on Global Challenges are thematic conventions focussing on particular global challenges. These conventions, taking place in Europe, are going to be organised by AEGEE locals, assembling different stakeholders with an interest in the respective global challenges.
The timeline shows all past, present and future events as well as the main developments in the project.