Photos account

 Your user name
Welcome at the AEGEE Photo page. On this page you can find photos of a lot of AEGEE events. You can also upload your own photos at this page. All you need is an account. By using this page to publis your photos, everybody can easily find them, also in the future, and you can be sure they will stay online.

There are currently 57.389 photos online in 1.328 books. There are 414 events of which you can find photos on this page.

Newest photos (last one uploaded 02.05.2009 12h05:28):

48 47 49 45
44 43 42 41

How to upload your own photos

To upload your photos of AEGEE events, you need an account. This you can register yourself if you are member of AEGEE and have your membership card with CSN on it (this card is available at your local board in case you don't have one yet). Go to to register your account.
Go to "Add photos" and log in with your account. This will show all events from the AEGEE-Europe Calendar of Events, with the most recent one at the top. Use the "Next" and "Previous" buttons to see older events.
When you find the events you want to add photos to, click on it. All the books you have created for this event will show up, as well as a box to add new books. Provide a title, and click on "New book". The book will now show above the box. You can edit and delete this book. Deleting is only possible when there are no photos in the book. Behind the books you just created, there is a link "photos". Click on it to add and edit photos of this book.
By clicking on the link "Add new photos" on the page for photos, you can add up to 10 photos at once. This can be repeated as often as you like, but if you have a lot of photos, it might be an idea to split them into several books to have easier browsing of them (for example a book for every day, or parties separate). After adding the photos, you can change the order, as well as roting them to put them in the right direction. Adding comments later to the photos is possible as well.